Star Wars Galactic Defense Wiki
Quinlan Vos
Biographical Information
Homeworld Kiffu
Birth 57 BBY
Death Unknown
Physical Description
Species Kiffar
Gender Male
Height 1.91m
Weight 82 kilograms
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour Brown
Skin Colour Unknown
Cybernetics Unknown
Chronological Information
Eras Rise of the Empire
Affiliation Jedi Order

Jedi, Clone Wars

In-Game Description[]

"A Jedi Knight with a reputation for bending the rules. Some have even called him crazy."

Max Lv.60 (10 Durasteel Pods)

Champion Skill []

Skill buff that lasts 10 seconds. (focuses on defense)

Champion Synergy[]

Planet Synergy[]

Champion Stats[]

Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Lv.30 Lv.35 Lv.40 Lv.45 Lv.50 Lv60
Atk 86 122 165 217 277 345 694
Hp 1496 2141 2928 3857 4929 6144 12,425

Base Stats

Armor: 12%

Dodge: 17%

Attack Speed: 1.4

Critical Chance: 10%

Movement Speed: 130

Shield: 0

Critical Hit Multiplier: 1

Hp Regeneration Rate: 2%

Skill Regeneration Rate: 100%


First event champion to be paired with a used event champion.
