Star Wars Galactic Defense Wiki

 In-Game Description[]

"Calm and confident, Jedi Luke returns to finish what he started."

Max Lv.60 (10 Durasteel Pods)

Champion Skill[]

(TIER 4) A Jedi's Mind Trick - Luke emmits an aura that remains active for 10 seconds, slowing all enemies around him.

Champion Synergy[]


Planet Synergy[]

(Movement Speed)

Champion Stats[]

Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Lv.30 Lv.35 Lv.40 Lv.45 Lv.50 Lv.55 Lv60
Atk 92 130 177 233 297 369 450 540 637 744
Hp 1,361 1,951 2,668 3,514 8,200 11,321

Base Stats[]

Armor: 15%

Dodge: 15%

Attack Speed: 1.2

Critical Chance: 12%

Movement Speed: 130%

Shield: 0

Critical Hit Multiplier: 1

HP Regeneration Rate: 2%

Skill Regeneration Rate: 100%  
