Star Wars Galactic Defense Wiki
Jabba The Hutt
Jabba the Hutt Galactic Defense
Jabba the Hutt Galactic Defense
Biographical Information
Homeworld Nal Hutta
Birth 600 BBY
Death 4 ABY, Great Pit of Carkoon, Tatooine
Physical Description
Species Hutt
Gender Hermaphrodite (masculine personality)
Height 1.75 meters tall, 3.9 meters long
Weight 1,358 kilograms
Hair Colour None
Eye Colour Orange-Yellow-Red
Skin Colour Green-Tan/Brown
Cybernetics None
Chronological Information
Eras Rise of the Empire era, Rebellion era
Affiliation Crime Lord

In-game Description[]

"Although fat and lazy, Jabba is as influential as he is vengeful."

Max Lv. 60 (10 Durasteel pods)

Champion Skill[]

(Tier 4) Jabba's Bounty hunters - Jabba the Hutt summons up to 5 bounty hunters to help him fight the enemy.

Champion Synergy[]


Planet Synergy[]

(Movement Speed)

 Champion Stats[]

Lv.15 Lv.20 Lv.25 Lv.30 Lv.35 Lv.40 Lv.45 Lv.50 Lv60
Atk 92 130 177 233 297
Hp 2,162 3,093 4,230 5,572 7,120

Base Stats[]

Armor: 18%

Dodge: 1%

Attack Speed: 0.5

Critical Chance: 13%

Movement Speed: 50

Shield: 0

Critical Hit Multiplier: 1

Hp Regeneration Rate: 2%

Skill Regeneration Rate: 100%
